Wash in the Siloam
(Jn 9:1-7)

No one is perfect in this world. Everyone has weaknesses or handicaps that they wish to hide from others. They live painful lives because of their physical, mental and environmental obstacles. In today’s Scripture, ‘a blind man from birth’ also lived a miserable life because of his physical problem. However, whatever obstacles we may face, when we meet Jesus, all the problems will be solved and we can live successful lives.

1. A man visually impaired from birth
While Jesus was walking on the road, He saw a man blind from birth. The phrase "Blind from birth" shows us the reality of the life of a man who was born in sin. Just as this man was born blind, everyone in this world is born a sinner and no one is free from sin. Unless the problem of sin is solved, people must live as spiritually blind men who are not able to see God. However, when we meet God, our fundamental problems are solved and our spiritual eyes will be opened.

2. The work of God
Jesus said that the man was born blind, so that the work of God could be shown. In those days, the Jews thought that sin caused sicknesses. When we face problems, we try to find the cause of the problem from others and our environment. But the Lord says that the problems and troubles that come to us are to show the work of God. Therefore we must not be entangled by the cause of the problems, but look to the Lord who will do tremendous works through those problems.

3. The Pool of Siloam
Jesus spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes and told him, “Go and wash in the Pool of Siloam” Siloam means ‘sent’. In other words, Jesus was sent from heaven and He is the source of all healings. Therefore, we have to come to Jesus, the Siloam, be washed from sin by His blood on the cross, open our spiritual eyes and receive solutions to our problems.

Everyone in this world has little or big obstacles. However, when we come to the Lord, He heals those obstacles. I hope that you come to the Lord, who is the spiritual Siloam, and always live a victorious life.