I Will Not Leave You
(Ge 28:10-15)
Life is like the way of a traveller. A miserable life is a life that lives for this world, which is only a rest stop for us. We, Christians, should go forth with faith, with holy dreams in the Lord, looking towards heaven and not this earth. Today's scripture is telling us about the story of Jacob, where he met God on his way to Haran, where his uncle lived. Just as Jacob went to the desert to take refuge, we must also walk the desert road. Today, God is giving us a precious promise that He will not leave us while we walk in the desert.

1. A life that travels the desert road
Jacob walked in the rough desert to flee from his older brother, who was trying going to kill him. He walked all day and he was tired, and when night came, he found no place to rest. It is the same in our life. The life away from God is a life with endless misery. It is a rough desert where we have to work hard. We live in this world as travelers, but we should put our eternal hope in heaven. In our traveller's life we should remember that Jesus Christ is our only hope.

2. God comes to us with dreams and visions
God came to Jacob, who was sleeping in the desert, through a dream and vision. Jacob had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.(Ge 28:12) While we live in this world that’s like a desert, we have to be the people who have a holy dream with the hope of heaven, depending on the cross of Jesus Christ. God is with those who have a dream.

3. God comes to us with His word
God came to a sleeping Jacob through the word.(Ge 28:13-15) He promised to give Jacob and his descendants the land where he was lying. He said that Jacob would be a blessing and all the nations on the earth would be blessed through him. Moreover, God promised that He would never leave Jacob until He did what He had promised him. I hope that you enjoy the blessing that God has prepared, and share it by being in the Word while living a life in the desert.

God promised us that He would not leave us but would always be with us, while we are living in this world. Therefore, I pray that you will always be victorious in your desert life, holding on to this Word of promise that is given to us today.