Jacob's Prayer
(Ge 28:20-22)

Today's Scripture is Jacob's prayer of oath to God, after he saw a vision in his dream and received the Word of God on his way to Haran from Beersheba. We should always confess our thanksgiving and love to God as we have received grace from Him. We should live a life of devoting ourselves to God. During our life, we have to be accepted by God and live a life accompanying Him.

1. A God-first faith (Vs 20-21)
Jacob prayed that God would be with him and protect him. He prayed that God might feed him, clothe him and be with him so that he might return to his father's house later. That was his promise that he would serve the Lord as his God. As those who have received grace from God, we must confess that God is the Master in our lives and live with a God-first faith.

2. A church-centered faith (Vs 22a)
Jacob confessed that the stone that he had set up as a pillar would be God's house. This was the promise that he would make Bethel a temple. Jacob confessed a church-centered faith, resolving only to worship God where he met the Lord. In the days of the New Testament, the church is the house of God. When we become Christians who lives a life centered on the church and temple, the blessing of God comes on us. We have to love the church, the body of Jesus Christ with all our hearts and serve it with joy. We should always do our best and give the best things to the Lord.

3. A tithing faith (Vs 22b)
Jacob promised to give God a tenth of all that He would give him. He confessed by faith that, by tithing, God provides him with everything and God is the Master in his life. We must surely know Who the Source of our blessing is. The blessing we receive comes only from God. We should be Christians who confess this faith by giving our whole tithe.

While we live in this world, we must make God our Priority. In addition, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you even as your soul is getting along well, loving the church, the body of Jesus Christ, serving it faithfully and giving your whole tithe to God.