癤?011 March 27th
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ??Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Younghoon LEE

The Cross of Jesus Christ
(1 Cor 2:2)

The life of Christianity lies in the cross of Jesus Christ. After the apostle Paul met the resurrected Jesus Christ on his way to Damascus, he lived his whole life, only boasting about the cross of Jesus. That's because the cross of Jesus Christ is the power and the wisdom of God that saves all believers. During our lifetime, we also should only boast about the cross of Jesus Christ.

1. The cross is God's power
The cross is the power of God that saves believers. Jesus Christ who was crucified is considered foolishness to those who are perishing. However, through the cross of Jesus Christ, God conquered the power of sin and death and saved believers. Therefore the cross is the power of God that gives salvation to all believers. During our lifetime, we must only rely on the cross of Jesus Christ, the power of God.

2. The cross is God's wisdom
The cross of Jesus Christ is the wisdom of God. Jesus Christ, who was crucified, was a stumbling block to the Jews, who demanded miraculous signs, and foolishness to the Greeks, who sought wisdom. From the viewpoint of human wisdom, the cross is foolishness and shameful defeat. However, God justified us, glorified us and redeemed us through the cross of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the cross is the wisdom of God to those who are called by God. In our lives, we should live a life filled with the Word of Jesus Christ, which is the wisdom of God.

3.The cross is the Holy Spirit's power
When Paul preached the gospel, he only proclaimed Jesus Christ, who was crucified, then as he proclaimed the gospel of the cross, to his surprise, the power of the Holy Spirit appeared. Therefore, many Corinthians believed the gospel of the cross through the power of the Holy Spirit and were changed by it. When we also boast about the gospel of the cross and preach it, we must depend on the power of the Holy Spirit. For the gospel of the cross is understood and believed only by the Holy Spirit. In our lives, we should live as witnesses of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth by only being filled with the Holy Spirit.

We have been saved through the cross of Jesus Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God. Now we must be filled with the Holy Spirit and live as witnesses of Jesus Christ, who boast about the cross of Jesus Christ and proclaim it wherever we go.