癤?011 May 1st
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ??Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Younghoon LEE
The Mission
(John 21:15-17)

Everyone wants to live a happy, meaningful, and useful life. This is only possible in Jesus Christ. When we carry out the holy dream and mission that the Lord has given us, we can live a happy and a meaningful life. Through today's sermon I hope that you will hear the voice of the Lord who gives us a mission.

1. Peter who betrayed Jesus
Jesus, who was to be crucified said that all His disciples would desert Him. Then Peter assured the Lord that he would never deny Him even if it meant dying with Him. However, the day when Jesus was arrested, he denied Him three times, saying that he didn't know Him in the court of the high priest and even cursed at Jesus. We often say we believe in Jesus, but sometimes we betray Him for our own selfish benefits.

2. Jesus who came to Peter
Jesus came to Peter, who denied Him three times. After Peter met Jesus who was risen from the dead, he returned to his hometown and went back to catching fish again. He made every effort to catch fish and even worked all night, but he caught no fish. It is the same with people who turn away from Jesus. Though they struggle and make great efforts with sweat on their foreheads, without Jesus they will always live a life with an empty net and an empty boat. Then when Jesus came to Peter who was in despair, a tremendous miracle happened where Peter's net was filled with so much fish that he could not lift it to his boat.

3. Jesus who gives us the mission
Jesus made a fire of burning coal and roasted bread and fish for Peter who was wet after he dived into the lake. After Jesus fed Peter, who was cold and shivering, with food that he prepared, He asked him three times, "Do you love me?" And He gave Peter a mission, saying, "Feed my lambs." The mission that the Lord gave Peter is also given to us. We should truly love the Lord and also take care of the lambs that are entrusted to us with love. We must all restore our relationship of love with the Lord. And we must obey with faith the voice of the Lord, who gives us a mission. I pray that you will live a blessed life that brings glory to God by carrying out your mission well with love and obedience.