癤?011 May 8th
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ??Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Younghoon LEE
(Ge 22:2-7)

Nowadays, the word ?쐎bedience??is disappearing. Of course everyone is equal in the sight of God. However, when parents and children, husbands and wives, and teachers and students remain in their proper positions, equality will be maintained. I hope that through today's sermon you will hear the voice of God who wants your obedience.

1. The obedience of Abraham
God commanded Abraham to give his only son Isaac that he begot at the age of 100 as a burnt offering. We should always listen to the voice of God and completely obey it. Jonah disobeyed the Word of God, faced a storm, and was trapped in a fish's belly. At first, Abraham also went ahead without listening to the voice of God and fell into trouble several times. After going through many trials, he became a person of faith and obedience. Hence, without even discussing it with his wife, he immediately obeyed God's command that he should offer Isaac as a sacrifice . In this way when we obey God right away, we experience miracles and grace.

2. The obedience of Isaac
Isaac was an obedient child. It seemed strange to him that his father didn't take a lamb for a burnt offering. He intuitively knew that he might be offered as a burnt offering. Isaac, who carried the wood, signifies Jesus Christ who walked up the hill of Calvary with the cross on his back. As Jesus silently obeyed the will of God, likewise, Isaac obeyed his father's will. Since it was the will of God and since his father obeyed with tears, Isaac also completely obeyed God. Because of such obedience, Isaac lived a peaceful and blessed life. On this parents' day, children must remember and obey this word, ?쏞hildren, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. ?쏦onor your father and mother?앪€봶hich is the first commandment with a promise???쐓o that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.??(Eph 6:1-3)

3. God who prepares
When we obey God, He prepares something good for us. When Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son, the angel of the Lord called out to him to stop. (Ge 22:10-11). In fact, God had prepared a lamb for a burnt offering in advance. Since Abraham obeyed God, he was acknowledged by God and was promised that his offspring would multiply and through him all nations on earth would be blessed. (Gen 22:12, 16-18). I hope that you also will receive the blessing of "Yahweh-Yireh" by obeying God.

The blessing of God comes on the servants of faith and on those who obey the Word.