癤?011 May 15th
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ??Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Younghoon LEE
God's Laborer
(Jer. 1:4-9)

What is the purpose of your life? What do you live for? God's marvelous plan is in the lives of His chosen children. Today's scripture is the scene in which God is calling Jeremiah. I hope that through this sermon you hear the voice of God who calls you.

1. God the absolute ruler
God chose us among multitudes of people and accepted us as His precious children. We were sinners that could not be forgiven, but we have been chosen by the Absolute Ruler to be saved by the Cross of Jesus. Since God is now in charge of our life, no one in this world can look down on us. Therefore we have to live by giving thanks to Him for calling us. We should be like Jesus. We must not be discouraged and feel pity on ourselves any more, but rise up from any problem, advance with faith, and reveal the glory of God.

2. Human's weaknesses
When Jeremiah was called by God, he was a respected priest, but he knew his weakness so well that he confessed, ?쁈 am only a child.??This kind of humble heart is like that of Jesus who came to this earth. Humility is the way to be like Jesus. We should let go of our will and obstinacy and live a life of obeying God's will and honoring and serving others with a humble heart. Then God's grace will overflow in us. Joy and peace will overflow in our hearts, our households will become stable, and our churches will grow. Humility saves us and others.

3. God who gives us a mission
God chose us to give us a mission. God gave Jeremiah a mission to preach the Word. We have become new creatures and we are called for the glory of God. Therefore we must realize our holy calling. We who have been called the laborers of God should reveal the glory of God through a life of faithfulness, devotion, and obedience and become the witnesses of the gospel to the ends of the earth.

4. God who is with us
Since God was with Jeremiah, he did not have to be afraid. This same God is with us and helps us to deal with and overcome all our problems. Grace always overflows in those who live with the Lord. The Lord wants all of us to be laborers like this. Obey the Word and be faithful with humility. Then God will put His Word in our mouths and make us tremendous servants throughout all nations.

God calls us. The world calls us. I hope that you answer the voice of the Lord.