癤?011 May 22nd
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ??Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Younghoon LEE
The Life of a Witness
(Lk 24:46-49)

Acknowledgment can help people feel highly elated and through this it can raise their productivity. We should live a life acknowledged by God and not by others. In order for this to happen, we have to live a life as a witness of the gospel. This is the commission of the Lord.

1. The Cross of Jesus Christ is the core of the gospel
The core of the gospel is Jesus' death on the cross and His resurrection. The salvation of human beings was accomplished on the cross. Therefore, if anyone believes in Jesus, they can be saved and be freed from curse and diseases, and moreover, they will have eternal life. Accordingly, we should always boast about the cross and live a victorious life with the power of resurrection.

2. Faith and repentance
When we believe in Jesus, the grace of repentance comes on us. Repentance brings great revival. Missionary Hardy's repentance caused a revival movement in Wonsan in 1903, which led to a great repentance movement and a great revival in Pyeonyang in 1907. When we believe in Jesus, true repentance, that is, the change of life must take place. Now, we live in the age when the day that Lord comes again is soon at hand. Therefore we must prepare for the Lord by faith and repentance.

3. A witnessing life
We, who have become God's children by believing in the Lord and repenting, must live a life of bearing witness to the gospel. We should preach about Jesus Christ the Savior that we have met. We have to cry out to the world that our sin is forgiven, diseases are healed, and the curse is gone. In the original Bible, "a witness" means "a martyr." Therefore we Christians must all be witnesses who have the spirit of a martyr.

4. The power of the Holy Spirit
We need the fullness of the Holy Spirit to become witnesses.(Acts 1:8) That's why the Lord told His disciples to stay in Jerusalem until the power comes down on them from above. We must not run out before we receive power. When we depend only on human wisdom and strength, we fail. We should humbly wait for the time of God. We have to pray and wait until we are filled with the Holy Spirit and receive power. We have been saved by faith in the cross and the resurrection of Jesus, so now we must receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and live a life of a witness to the ends of the earth. This is the secret to living a life acknowledged by God.