癤?011 May 29th
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ??Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Younghoon LEE
Lazarus, Come Out!
(Jn 11:38-44)

Even though troubles and trials come, we can live a happy life if we have keep our dreams and hope in mind. Happiness does not depend upon the amount of material possessions. True happiness comes when we accept Jesus in our hearts. Unexpected despair came on the household of Lazarus who the Lord loved.

1. Lazarus who had died
Jesus heard about Lazarus's disease and went there to see him, but he had already been dead for four days. Martha said to Jesus, ?쏧f you had been here, my brother would not have died." She didn't know that the Lord would turn death into life. Jesus who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, is our eternal hope and eternal life. Dead Lazarus signifies human beings who commit sins. They look alive physically, but they are dead spiritually, so they are out of touch with God and live a sinful, ungodly, and filthy life. Moreover, they live, giving off all kinds of bad odors such as despair, hatred, sin, and greed. When we believe in Jesus and accept God as our Father, we become alive spiritually and we are born again.

2. Lazarus who was raised from the dead
When Jesus told Martha to take away the stone, she said, "There is a bad odor, for Lazarus has been dead.??She just spoke about the third dimensional reality of what she could physically see. Since her spiritual eyes were closed, she couldn't expect a miracle from God. In order to experience a miracle from the Lord, we must take away the stone of unbelief, doubt, negative thoughts, obstinacy, and arrogance. When the stone was taken away from the tomb, the Lord gave thanks to God and commanded in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!" Then Lazarus walked out. In this way, give thanks with absolute hope while in absolute despair. And shout boldly with faith, "Despair, go away." Then God's marvelous miracles will be performed in us.

3. Lazarus who was freed
When Jesus called Lazarus in a loud voice, he walked out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen. Then the Lord commanded, "Take off the grave clothes and let him go.??Likewise, even after we are born again, sometimes things that bind us still remains. We are addicted to gambling, drinking, smoking, and immorality and bound by bad habits, stubbornness, pride, and anger. At that time Jesus said, "Take off the grave clothes and let him go!??We have to take off the grave clothes of our old selves. This is possible only with the power of the Word and the Holy Spirit. When we are filled with the Word and the Holy Spirit, we can enjoy true life like Lazarus.

Is there any one in the image of dead Lazarus here today? I pray that by accepting the Lord who gives eternal life you will be a Christian of the greatest happiness of heaven.