癤?011 July 3rd
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ??Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Younghoon LEE
There Was Great Joy in That City
(Acts 8:4-8)

The core of the Christian faith is the cross of Jesus Christ. Both affliction and glory is seen at the cross. Accordingly, we as believers must not fear affliction when it comes to us. When we overcome it with faith and perseverance, the glory of the cross will be revealed. Today, let me share with you about affliction and glory.

1. Tribulation comes
After the Holy Spirit descended on the day of Pentecost, a great revival took place in Jerusalem. Between 3,000 and 5,000 people repented and turned to the Lord. The whole city of Jerusalem was covered with the Gospel.(Acts 6:7) As the number of believers in Jesus increased, the Jewish leaders who had crucified Jesus started to feel uneasy. So, they captured Stephen, who eagerly preached the gospel being filled with the Holy Spirit, and stoned him to death illegally, without a trial. All of a sudden trouble came to the growing church. Likewise, suffering often comes into our lives without warning. However, God has a purpose in suffering. At the end of the affliction, the blessing of God will come.

2. The lesson learned from the tribulation
When the tribulation came, the saints were no longer able to stay in Jerusalem. With the exception of the apostles, the rest of the saints were scattered to other regions. They pondered through prayer why such trouble had come upon them. Then they understood. Up until then, they were satisfied with their lives, being able to worship in Jerusalem, receiving grace, and living a joyful life. When the church was growing day by day, they were living exciting lives filled with the joy of revival. They had allowed themselves to forget their true calling, to be witnesses of the Lord to the ends of the earth. They were satisfied with their lives, enjoying its comforts. However, when they faced suffering, they were scattered and eagerly preached the gospel. In this way, trials caused the gospel to spread all over the region.

3. The tribulation?셲 blessing
When Philip preached the gospel in Samaria, a great revival took place and some tremendous miracles happened. The demon possessed were healed, and the paralyzed and crippled walked. When the Holy Spirit came, the power of Jesus was revealed and healing took place. Then, there was great joy in that city.(Acts 8:8) Likewise, when we persevere through tribulations, blessings come to us. "Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope."(Rom 5:3-4) The death of the Lord on the cross was filled with great sorrow and despair in those days, but His resurrection after three days turned into great joy, hope, and blessings. The cross is eternal hope, eternal victory, and the channel of blessings.

When suffering comes, we must not fear but move forward in faith with the cross of Jesus. We must depend on the power of the blood which was shed on the cross. Then the great joy of victory will be ours.