癤?011 July 10th
Sunday Sermon at Yoido Full Gospel Church ??Seoul, Korea
Speaker: Senior Pastor Rev. Younghoon LEE
Faith That Creates Miracles
(2 Kings 5:8-10)

Many people dream about and desire to obtain a miracle but it does not come easily. When we have an attitude of faithfulness and obedience that is never shaken through endless frustration and despair, then it can bring miracles. Today, I would like to share with you about faith that creates miracles through the story of the Syrian commander Naaman.

1. Commander Naaman, the leper.
There was a man named Naaman from Aram, a country that was hostile towards Israel during the times of Elisha. He was a national hero who saved Aram as an army commander, but he was suffering severely. He had leprosy and his whole body was decaying. He covered his body with his armor and helmet to hide his sickness from others, but he couldn't hide it from his servants. Unlike nowadays, in those days leprosy was a fatal disease that could not be healed. Naaman is symbolic of those who are away from God. Although they decorate themselves with all kinds of accessories, they are spiritual lepers and their souls are decaying because of sin.

2. Words that bring miracles
Naaman was living in deep despair but one day he heard some wonderful news. He found out that there was a prophet living in Samaria who could heal leprosy. A young maidservant who was captured as a slave from Israel had pity on her master who had leprosy. Likewise, Christians should show love and mercy towards those who are suffering. Naaman was granted permission from the king to go to Israel. A word from the young girl encouraged Naaman to seek after Elisha. We as Christians must listen to the Word of God all the time. We must listen to the Word of life, healing, and miracles.

3. Faith that brings a miracle
Naaman arrived at the home of Elisha with great expectation and excitement. However, Elisha didn't come out. Instead, he sent his servant out and he told Naaman to wash seven times in the Jordan River. Naaman was so angry that he was about to return back home, thinking that the rivers in his country would be cleaner than those in Israel. Then, his servants earnestly prevented him from leaving. We must live right before God and also share the truth with those who are in positions of authority. Naaman decided to listen to his faithful servants. When we want to experience a miracle, we should go beyond our pride and ego. If Naaman had gone back, he would have died of leprosy. But since he obeyed his servants, he experienced a miracle. Likewise, we must not lose hope but continue to trust the Lord and obey. Then, we will experience a miracle.

Faith brings miracles. The Lord says, "Do not fear, only believe."