The Church That Glorifies God
(Genesis 28:18-22)

When we meet Jesus on the journey of life as travelers whose lives fade away quickly like the morning dew, we can understand the meaning and purpose of life. Furthermore, it enables us to live a life that brings glory to God. Today, let us look at four aspects of the church that glorifies God through the life of a traveler named Jacob who met God in the middle of the night in the desert.

1. The church firmly built on the Word
God gave the word of promise to Jacob who sought the Lord as his refuge. Jacob was able to overcome troubles and hardships and return to his hometown because of the word he received from God. Likewise, our faith should be firmly built on the Word. The church must also stand firmly on the Word in order to continue to grow. The voice of the world causes us to feel troubled and depressed, but the Word of the Lord brings the blessing of life and grace.

2. The church anointed by the Holy Spirit
Jacob rose up early in the morning, set up a pillar with the stones that he used as a pillow, anointed it with oil, and worshipped God. The anointing of the Holy Spirit must be in our life and in the life of the church all the time. Why has so many churches in Europe become tourist attractions, museums, and even Islamic temples? It is because the anointing of the Holy Spirit disappeared. Therefore, the fire of the Holy Spirit must always be alive in the church. The church must be filled with the Holy Spirit by acknowledging, welcoming, and accepting Him.

3. The church whose priority is God
Jacob made a vow to God that he would only serve God if He would be with him, take care of him, and let him return home in peace. That means he would live a God-centered life. God blesses this kind of person. Therefore, we must look to God alone in moments of despair. By being God-centered, the church will be able to stand on the rock and reveal the glory of God throughout the entire world.

4. The church of devotion and service
After Jacob set up the altar and built the house of God, he confessed his devotion to the Lord. It meant that he would give a tenth of all that he received to God. Above all, we should devote ourselves to the Lord and serve Him wholeheartedly. We should serve the Lord with joy and thanksgiving and testify of the gospel throughout the whole world. If the church wants to be the light and salt of the world, it demands that we be filled with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit and live a life of devotion and service.

I pray that our church will stand firm on the Word, become anointed by the Spirit so that all of our church members can live God-centered lives through devotion and service bringing glory to God.