The Way of A True Disciple
(Mark 8:34-35)

It is said that today there are many church members and believers in the church but few true disciples. It tells us that there are many believers in Jesus but few people who are like Jesus. Today, I’m going to share with you how we should live as ‘a little Jesus,’ a true disciple who resembles Jesus.

1. The life that follows Jesus
Many people are living, struggling to obtain such things as wealth, splendor, and honor. However, we who have become God’s children by faith in Jesus must not follow the world but Jesus. The Lord Jesus is our Shepherd and Teacher. Therefore, as true disciples we should trust, depend on, and live like Jesus. We should obey and live according to His Word, following His way.

2. The life that denies oneself.
‘Denying oneself’ means to give oneself up for the glory of God. In order to become a true disciple, we must be willing to surrender everything to Jesus. Jesus’ disciples listened to Jesus and experienced miracles for three and a half years but they were not changed. They experienced change when the Holy Spirit came upon them on the Day of Pentecost. Denying ourselves is impossible by our own effort. We need to understand the Word and get help from the Holy Spirit.

3. The life that carries one’s cross.
Carrying our own cross means that just as Jesus died on the cross for human sins, we too will face troubles, sorrows, persecution and even martyrdom. We must carry our cross at home, church, and even in society because as Christians and disciples of Christ, we are the light and salt of the world. We can be true disciples when we are willing to carry our cross and do our best wherever we are.

4. The life that lays down one’s life for Christ and the Gospel.
The life of a true disciple requires a decision on our part to lay down our life and live with utmost sacrifice and devotion to Christ and the gospel. When we die, we gain eternal life. It is the truth of the gospel that when we die we live and when we lose we gain. However, it is actually harder to live a “martyrish” type of life than to live as a true “martyr”. When we make a decision to experience martyrdom every day, we can live a life in obedience to Christ by humbling ourselves and carrying our cross.

By denying ourselves every day, carrying our cross, living as martyrs, and following Jesus, we will become true disciples.