From Gilgal To Jordan
(2 Kings 2:1-6)

Elijah was taken up to heaven without dying just like Enoch. By the way, before Elijah was taken up to heaven, his disciple Elisha followed him from Gilgal to Jordan, passing through Bethel and Jericho on the way. Each of these four cities teaches us a precious spiritual lesson. Today, I would like to share these lessons with you.

1. Gilgal
Elijah first went out to Gilgal. Gilgal is the place where Joshua set up twelve stones as a monument of victory before conquering Canaan. Gilgal means “All shame has been rolled away.” Since we are saved through faith, all our past sins, despair, shame, and sorrows have been rolled away. Therefore, from now on we have to live as a new creation in Christ.

2. Bethel
Elijah moved to Bethel. Bethel means “the house of God”. It is the place where Jacob set up a pile of stones and anointed them with oil. As those who are saved, we should love the church and strive to always attend worship services. On our way to Bethel, there is something we must be careful of. Jeroboam made two golden calves against the Jerusalem Temple and put one of them at Bethel. It led them to destruction. It warns the church not to be tempted by the idols of materialism and greed. Therefore, we must have pure faith at all times.

3. Jericho
Elijah went towards Jericho again. Jericho was an oasis. It was such a big and beautiful city. Jericho means “fragrance.” In Jericho Jesus met Zacchaeus, and healed the eyes of a blind man, Bartimaeus. Likewise, our lives should be totally changed by meeting Jesus. The fragrance of Christ must be present in our lives. At the same time, we must destroy our personal Jericho's of abundance and self-satisfaction.

4. Jordan
Finally Elijah left for Jordan. Jordan means “Yahweh is perfect.” When the Israelites stepped forward to conquer Cannan, they first crossed the Jordan River. In the same way, we must cross the Jordan to become the children who receive God’s blessings. Crossing the Jordan means dying daily and crucifying our old-selves. Then, Christ will live in us. (Gal 2:20)

Believers must not stay at one place. When we are renewed by advancing step by step from Gilgal to Jordan, becoming more mature, bearing abundant fruit, and sharing them with others, God will dwell with us.