God Will Help Us at the Break of Day
(Psalm 46:1-5)

When we believe in Jesus and become God’s children, God will be our God forever and will lead us until the day we die. Therefore, we don't have to be afraid even though trouble and suffering come to us because only God is our eternal refuge and help.

1. God as our refuge
When trials and trouble rushes in on us, our only refuge is God. God is our refuge, strength, and great help in times of trouble. Disasters often come without warning. When the tsunami struck Japan, people were injured because they did not have enough time to escape. However, those who believe in Jesus and serve God receive peace and rest in God who offers refuge to His people. We can receive true peace through the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. Faith without fear
When we face trials, our hearts may first be overtaken by fear. It is reported that during the Second World War there were a greater number of people who died from fear than those who died from the war itself. The Bible says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (Prov. 4:23). When we earnestly pray to the Lord, holding on the promised Word of God, the Holy Spirit will inspire us and enable us to have peace in our hearts.

3. The church is filled with the living water of the Holy Spirit
The channel to the peace and blessings of God is the temple. The church is the place where God dwells and is filled with His glory and holiness. Today’s scripture says that a stream runs through the temple of God. Therefore, the church is the place where the Holy Spirit is flowing like a river. It is the place where the living water is overflowing. Accordingly, even though suffering comes to us, we can overcome it if we are filled with the living water of the Holy Spirit at the temple.

4. God as our helper

Since God is in the temple, the temple can never be shaken. Since God dwells in the church, the church of the Lord will not be shaken. To receive God’s help, we should kneel down and pray to Him. When we pray to the Lord at daybreak, God will help us. At daybreak, Jesus rose from the dead, the Red Sea was divided, and the city of Jericho was collapsed. Likewise, the work of God’s salvation begins at daybreak.

When night comes, we may be in serious despair. However, we must not forget that the hope of daybreak is coming when we look unto God. Pray a little longer. God helps us at daybreak.