癤풷ou Have a Reputation of Being Alive, but You are Dead
(Rev 3:1-6)

People who live a life without meaning and purpose are really unhappy. Though they are alive in the natural, yet spiritually they are dead. In Revelations, the church in Sardis was rebuked by the Lord for living such a life. Today, I would like to share with you the spiritual lessons that can be learned from the church in Sardis.

1. A person who has a reputation of being alive but is dead
Sardis was a famous commercial city known for its textiles and jewelry. In fact, it is known for having made the first gold coin in human history. Outwardly, the church in Sardis was very active and prosperous. However, inwardly, they were indulged in materialism and were corrupted spiritually and powerless. They had completely forgotten about their spiritual mission and had in fact fallen asleep, spiritually. Consequently, the Lord rebuked the church, saying, "though you are alive, yet are you dead." This is also the warning that the Lord is giving to today's church. There are many churches which have greatly lost their spiritual power. As a result, they lack enthusiasm for the Lord and are filled with mere rituals and formalities. That's why they have no influence on society but are rather criticized. Here, we need to take a closer look at ourselves.

2. Repent
The Lord commanded the church in Sardis to wake up from its spiritual slumber and repent. He knew that it could only survive by repenting. From the early church until now, all great spiritual revivals and awakenings have come through repentance. Since the Lord said that He would come like a thief, we do not know when His judgment will come upon us. Therefore, now is the time for us to repent. We must repent for not living according to the will of the Lord. For being full of pride, hatred, greed, resentment and discord. We must also repent for loving the world, our jobs, and our families more than the Lord. We should strive to regain the right attitude of serving and practicing the love of Christ. Furthermore, we must always be alert spiritually and live, preparing for the day when we will meet the Lord.

3. Those who keep the faith
There were a few people in the church of Sardis who had genuinely kept the faith. They lived a life of walking with the Lord, being dressed in white. 'White clothes' signifies spiritual victory.혻 Although the world changes and the enthusiasm and purity of people disappear, we should be dressed in white and serve the Lord as our first love. We must fight against sin in this sinful world and overcome it. The Lord has written in the Book of Life the names of those who have won this spiritual warfare and approves their name before God and the angels. I pray that you will all receive the crown of righteousness by keeping the faith until the end even through difficulties and hardships.

I hope that you will all become saints who are faithful to the Lord, being always alert in the midst of of persecutions, temptations, and even when enjoying material blessings.