My Soul Pants for You, O Lord
(Ps. 42:1-5)

Physical diseases can be healed through medicine and doctors, but there is no medicine for mental diseases. That is why when many people face despair, they do not guard their hearts and eventually they are destroyed. Only our Savior Jesus Christ can heal our bodies and our hearts. Therefore, when facing trials and despair we must come to the Lord, the problem-solver.

1. Faith that pants for the Lord
While we live our lives, we have to be believers who earnestly seek the Lord at all times. As a thirsty deer runs over mountains until it finds water, we should pant for the Lord with all our heart. However, many Christians do not seek the Lord since they are enjoying the richness and convenience of modern life. They are living comfortably like flowers in a greenhouse. However, when the typhoon of trouble strikes them, then they think of the Lord. When we earnestly seek the Lord, He meets us and solves all our problems. Therefore, we should always long for the grace of the Lord and recapture the impression of our first love for Him.

2. Desperate situations surrounding us
Most of our hardships and trials come from people. Especially, when those around us turn away and criticize us, severely wounding us. When facing such despair, we often feel like there is no one in the world who can help us. We feel totally abandoned and alone. In the Book of Psalm, we can find lots of desperate cries like “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Ps. 22:1) This world is like a sea full of trouble. Despair often comes unexpectedly. However, when we guard our hearts and rely on the Lord alone, even in desperate situations, despair will turn into hope and our troubles will become a stepping stone to blessings.

3. Faith that puts hope in God
When we are troubled and sad, we must look to the Lord. Holding onto the Word of promise and asking the Lord for help. Then, the Lord will helps us, give us peace in our hearts, and answers our prayers. God will cause great things to happen to us in His time. Our God takes care of our lives with His endless love. Hence, the problem lies within us. Since we do not look onto God but unto people, our circumstances, and even ourselves, we easily become depressed and frustrated. When we fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, the bright daybreak of salvation will come.

When we put our hope in God and earnestly seek the Lord even in desperate situations, He will help us. Though we may be surrounded by enemies on all sides, He will meet us, set us free from all trials, and give us the victory.