癤풫y Grace is Sufficient for You
(2 Cor. 12:7-10)

Before we believed in Jesus, we lived, depending on this world. But, after we believe, we live by the grace of God. Grace is a gift freely given to us by God. The problem is that we do not thank God enough for His grace. So, God sometimes allows thorns in our lives so that we can feel His grace.

1. The thorn in us
Before the apostle Paul met Jesus, he was against Him. In fact, he was one of the lead persecutors of the church. But, after he met Jesus on his way to Damascus, his life was totally changed. He wrote 13 books in the new testament, went on 3 missionary journeys, evangelized in Rome, and established many churches throughout Asia minor and Europe by preaching the gospel. In addition, he healed many sick people by the power of God and even raised the dead. However, Paul had a thorn in his flesh, that is, a disease. So, he pleaded with the Lord to take it away from him three times. But, the Lord did not remove it. We too may have a thorn in our lives. It may be a physical disease, a character flaw, a financial problem or even a family problem.

2. The grace given to us
God?셲 answer to Paul?셲 plead was ?쏮y grace is sufficient for you.??He was suffering from the thorn, but the Lord said that His grace was sufficient for him and he was lacking nothing. This teaches us that when we are in trouble, we should not focus on what we do not have but on what we have and the grace that the Lord has given to us. Therefore, we must live for the glory of God, giving thanks for the wonderful grace for which we can not repay, the abundant grace of the Lord who died, shedding His precious blood on the cross for us.

3. Our weakness and strength
There are some benefits of a thorn. Through our thorns, we become broken and humble. Then, we can experience the grace of the Lord that works within us.(Gal 2:20) When we are weak, the power of the Lord is made perfect in us. On the contrary, when we are strong, the image of the Lord cannot be seen in us. A thorn also breaks our ego and humbles us as the Lord did to Moses during his first forty years, later exalting him. Therefore, we must give thanks for sufferings. When we become weak through trouble, the grace of the Lord comes upon us and makes us strong, helping us to overcome all our difficulties.

When we always experience the grace of the cross and live a grateful life for the abundant grace of God, the power of the Lord will be revealed to us and He will provide us with tremendous strength to overcome all the thorns in our lives.혻