The Time of God’s Glory
(Isa. 35:1-4)

Throughout Israel's history, it has been the hope for the Messiah which has allowed them to overcome all hardships. From the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD by the Roman commander Titus, until Israel became a nation in 1948, the Jewish people lived scattered throughout the world. However, they still continued to long and hope for the Messiah. Today’s scripture is prophesying that the place which is like a wilderness and a dry land will become a hopeful and pleasant paradise when the kingdom of the Messiah is established.

1. The time of God’s glory
Although our current situation may be pitch dark, the time of God’s glory will come after the time of trouble is gone. The life which has been like a desert and a dry land will overflow with the joy of God. As a lily blossoms in the life that is like the desert, so too will the grace and love of the Lord overflow. Therefore, do not look at your present sufferings but look unto the blessings of God that is to come. When we completely depend upon God, praying, holding onto the Word, and advancing with faith, we will receive the glory of Lebanon. Lebanon is famous for its fragrant cedars, Carmel for great oaks, and the beauty of Sharon, which is known for its variety of flowers and fertile pastures.

2. The mis
ions that God has given to us
We should deliver hope to those who are living in despair. We have to look at those around us who are crying out for help. We must not neglect the problems that are all around us. Such as North Koreans who are suffering from hunger, the disabled, the homeless, and children who have been abandoned.

First, we must strengthen the feeble hands. We must share the grace that we have received with those around us who are alienated, living in despair. We should practice love and become leaders who change the world.

Secondly, we must steady the knees that give way. We should raise up those who are in despair and help them recapture their hopes and dreams. We should encourage those who are discouraged.

Thirdly, we must strengthen them. Fear has to do with punishment. (1Jn 4:18) When we have firm faith in God, we will have boldness that does not look at circumstances or obstacles.

Lastly, we have to preach that God will triumph in the end. We should proclaim that God will destroy all our enemies and deliver us from all foes. Our God will prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies. (Ps 23:5)

May you look to the time of God’s glory, being filled with all abundance while carrying our precious missions.