The Way of Holiness
(Isa. 35:5-10)

Although we may go through the valley of tears, the hope of daybreak will shine when the time of God's glory comes. Then, we will walk in the way of holiness which God has prepared for us.

1. The blessing that God has prepared
Today's scripture prophesies about the tremendous grace that will be on us in the time of God's glory. He promised that the eyes of the blind would be opened, the ears of the deaf would be unstopped, the lame would leap like a deer, and the mute tongue would shout for joy. Moreover, He said that the water would gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert. It also says that plants would grow in the desert. This prophecy began to be fulfilled when Jesus came to earth and preached His first sermon in Nazareth (Lk 4:18-19). The Lord proclaimed that the blessing of the year of God's grace would be upon us. Therefore, once a person accepts Jesus as Savior, he is supposed to enjoy the blessing which God has prepared.

2. The way that God has prepared
During their time of captivity in Babylon, the Israelites could not go up to the House of God. However, now the way of Zion toward the temple is opened. Sinners who are against God cannot go this way. Only those who are forgiven and redeemed by the blood of the cross can walk this way. Since there are no lions or fierce animals on the way, we can go safely, and Jesus Christ is the way. (Jn 14:6) This way was made through the desert of sorrow, the hill of doubt, and the mountain of fear. “The royal high way” made by raising the valley and making mountains and hills low, and God made the high way like this so that the exiled might return to Him. It required the ultimate sacrifice to open the way to holiness from sin, to life from death, and to blessings from curses. In order to accomplish this, God opened the way by sacrificing His beloved and only Son Jesus Christ, so that sinners from all generations might turn back to Him. God did a new thing, and caused the river of salvation to overflow. (Isa. 43:19-20) The Israelites suffered from a hard life of captivity but God opened the high way of Zion and enabled them to return to Jerusalem with joy. When they went up to the temple of God, He granted them overflowing joy. Sorrows and groans disappeared. Likewise, God has made a way of holiness on which we who are saved should walk. When we walk on that way, all sorrows and groans will disappear in our lives and overflowing grace and joy will be upon us.

The Lord restores us from all our diseases, problems, and curses of our environment, and makes the high way of Zion for us, that is, the way of holiness, so that we may serve him with joy. I pray that you will long for the grace of the Lord, rejoice, and give thanks to Him.