The Eternal Thanksgiving
(Exodus 15:1-10)

The duty of Christians is to give thanks. That’s because God saved them from sin and death. The most precious thing in Israelite history is that the Israelites were saved from their 430 year slavery in Egypt. They call it the Passover and keep and commemorate it from generation to generation. Today’s scripture is the psalm of thanksgiving to God after they crossed the Red Sea miraculously with the grace of God.

1. God who is forever praised

Israel praised God who had done great things. God let the Israelites cross the Red Sea safely and the armies of Pharaoh drown in the sea. Therefore the Israelites could not help praising God who delivered them. We too are not also qualified to be saved. It is only by the grace of God that we who lived in sin and despair were saved. That’s why we must praise God for saving us forever. Thanksgiving Day derives from 102 British Puritans offering the thanksgiving service to God for the first harvest after crossing over to a New Land of America in 1620. They overcame hunger, coldness, diseases, death and found freedom.

2. God who crushed enemies

Moses and the descendants of Israel praised aloud God who crushed their enemies.(Ex 15:4-6) Even while we are on our way to heaven after believing in Jesus, the evil enemy, the devil is roaming around us like a roaring lion and tries to cause us to sin again. However, since God is with us, we can be more than a conqueror. No one can be against our Omniscient and Almighty God. Therefore, we must not fear the devil. We must defeat and resist the evil enemy with the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross and the Word of God. Always meditate on the Word and be armed with the power of the precious blood. We are great victors in the Lord.

3. God who leads us to the end

God saved the Israelites and planted them on the mountain of His inheritance.(Ex 15:17-18) God takes charge of our life. God was with Martin Luther so he succeeded in Christian Reformation. He led the Puritans from England to America. God, who has led our church until today since the time of the tent church in 1958, will protect and lead our church to the end. He will lead each one of us to the end. Therefore give thanks to the Lord. Come up to Him with overflowing thanks.

I pray that you give eternal thanks and praise to God who saves us from the enemy that tries to destroy us, and try’s to leads us to the end.