The Faith That the Lord Acknowledges
(Luke 17:11-19)

We live in the age of lacking gratitude. Many people live a life of easily resenting and complaining rather than giving thanks. The life of the saints who received salvation should overflow with thanks. Overflowing thanks makes us overcome all troubles by faith and leads us to the abundant grace of God.

1. Ten men who had leprosy
Since the leprosy had been prescribed as an unclean disease since the times of the Old Testament, the lepers had to live isolated from households and the society. That’s why when Jesus went by a village, lepers didn’t come near Him and called out in a loud voice, standing at a distance. The lepers in today’s scripture signify human beings who have turned away from God. All human beings live a life like spiritual lepers who are dying of sin. No one can get out of despair by oneself. Therefore we must realize that we are human beings in despair, hurry to repent, and turn to the Lord.

2. Ten lepers’ cry: Have pity on us
When Lepers who lived in despair met Jesus, they called out in a loud voice, “Jesus, have pity on us!” Then the Lord said to them, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” In those days lepers could go back to their families only after the priest admitted their healing. Only Jesus is the hope for human beings. Therefore, meet Jesus in the middle of trouble. Call out, “Have pity on us!” When the Lord has pity on us, all our problems are solved. Then we no longer wander in sin and despair. Our body and spirit are healed from the disease of decaying.

3. The Samaritan who thanked and praised God
The lepers were all healed on the way to the priest. One of them came back, praising God in a loud voice, threw himself at Jesus’ feet, and thanked Him. He was a Samaritan who the Jews disregarded and despised. Jesus asked, “Where are the other nine?” Those who have received such great grace that cannot be paid back but do not give thanks are like these nine lepers. The Lord said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.” True gratitude is the expression of faith. Without faith, we cannot give true thanks. That’s why when he gave thanks, his faith was acknowledged by Jesus.

Giving thanks makes us overcome despair, solves problems, pleases God, accomplishes God’s tremendous work, and furthermore faith is acknowledged by the Lord. I pray that you become saints of giving thanks.