Jesus Christ Who Came as the King of Peace
(Luke 2:10-14)

Today is the Christmas when Jesus Christ was born. The Lord's coming to this earth is the greatest miracle in the human history and an amazing event that brought hope and joy to all humankind. Since Jesus, the king of love and peace, came to this earth, forgiveness and reconciliation has come to this world where there has been hatred and conflict.

1. Good news of great joy
The news from the world mostly makes us sad and desperate. Since every nation has discord and strife inside and outside, innocent civilians are being victimized. Children are left alone and grow up in the environment covered with diseases and poverty. It is reported that in a country people intentionally make children blinded and crippled for begging. The Savior Jesus came to save numerous people and the all humankind who lives in sin and despair. There is no more joyful and better news than this. We should preach this good news to the world with all our strength.

2. Jesus Christ who came for all humankind
The Savior, Jesus Christ, was born for all humankind who had been in sin and death. Moreover, Jesus came to the world to save us from poverty, the curse, disease, and the power of the Satan. Whoever was born with sin cannot stand before God. Therefore, Jesus came to the earth, died on the Cross, and paid all for our sins by the blood on the Cross. Thanks to this, we are able to stand before God boldly. Only Jesus is hope for all humankind. When we meet Jesus, we will be full of joy, life, healing, grace, and forgiveness. This is the good news of great joy, that is, the message of Christmas.

3. Jesus who came as the king of peace.
The Lord came to glorify God and give peace to the earth. We who have heard this good news must live a life of giving glory to God first. True happiness and joy in the human life is to glorify God. Whether we eat or drink and whatever we do, we should do for the glory of God. We should also throw away the anger and conflict of our mind and enjoy true peace. We must get rid of all disagreements and strives and become one in love and forgiveness. We should experience peace by accepting Jesus who came as the king of peace in our heart and become blessed people who place the cornerstone of peace wherever we go.

If you have anyone with whom you do not reconcile, I hope that you make a peace and forgive them with Jesus' love of the Cross and please God. In addition, I pray that God will make our hearts overflow with true peace so that every day during this year would be Christmas. Merry Christmas!