Create the New History
(Genesis 1:1-5)

The new year of 2012 that God grants us has begun. Let us live for the glory of God in this blessed year. Live the life that pleases God. Have a holy dream and hope in your mind and go forward with faith. Then this will be your best year.

1. Become a worker of creation. (Ge 1:1)

The Scripture begins with the creation of the heavens and the earth. Scientists who do not know God claim that this world was accidently created, but nothing was made accidentally. All things in the universe were created by the will of God. Since the human being among them was created in the image of God, we should create the future of hope with the holy dream. We have to create hope where there is despair and joy where there is sorrow.

2. Go with the Holy Spirit. (Ge 1:2)

When God created the heavens and the earth, the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. The work of new creation is possible only with the Holy Spirit. We must live a life of walking with the Holy Spirit if you want to live a life of a creator in the world full of problems. The fire of the Holy Spirit that came on Topeca in the State of Kansas of America in 1901, was moved to Azusa Street in L.A, raised a great revival, and spread throughout the world from 1906 to 1913. Today people more than 500 millions join in the Pentecostal movement of the Holy Spirit. The new history is made with the Holy Spirit.

3. Proclaim the Word. (Ge 1:3)

God created the world with the Word. Therefore we have to speak in faith in order to make the new creation. When we boldly declare the Word, marvelous things will take place. God commanded Joshua who became the leader of Israel, "Be strong and very courageous."(Jos 1:7) God is with the workers who are filled with the Word and does amazing things by them.

4. Become the person whom God recognize. (Ge 1:4)

The Bible says “God saw that the heavens and the earth and all things God created were good.” It means that God recognizes this world. We also have to be recognized by God. We should be good when God sees us. Through Christians who are the light and salt of the world, this world must be transformed into a brighter society. I hope that God recognizes you when you arise and shin in the world.

I hope that you will become the workers of creation like God the Father who is the Creator, walk with the Holy Spirit, and proclaims the Word. I pray that you will be recognized by God and create a new history in the year of 2012.