The Voice of God
(Genesis 3:6-10)

Christians should strive to hear the voice of God rather than that of the world and people, while living. The devil comes with all kinds of sweet words of temptation and intends to steal, kill, and destroy our lives. However, when we hear the voice of God and obey God, we can always live a victorious life.

1. The voice that Eve heard.
God made the garden of Eden in the east and allowed Adam and Eve to eat all the various fruits of the garden but commanded them not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. However, Eve heard the voice of satan who said, "You will be like God," and she was tempted and disobeyed the command of God. The pride that humanity will be like God is the root of every sin and evil. We must stay away from this voice of satan and be always humble servants before God.

2. The voice that Adam heard.
After Adam and Eve committed sin, they heard the voice of God calling them and hid themselves. When sin came into them, they had fear. But the reason God called Adam and Eve was to give them the chance of repentance. When we hear the voice of the Lord calling us, we should not hide ourselves but come to the Lord, kneel down, and repent. Adam did not repent of his sin but imputed his sin to Eve and Eve to the serpent. However, when we hear the voice of God, we must not ascribe our sin to others but thoroughly repent. We can survive only by repenting.

3. The voice of God coming from the Cross.
When Adam and Eve committed sin and did not repent, they were punished. Adam was supposed to live through painful toil all the days of his life, and Eve was destined to have pain in childbearing and serve her husband. As a result of sin, Adam and Eve were dead in spirit, their circumstance was cursed, and their bodies had to suffer from diseases. However, merciful God had compassion on them who had committed sin and clothed them with the garment of animal skin. God established the offering of blood for redemption. Jesus Christ the Son of God completed the offering of redemption by shedding His blood on the Cross and allowed anyone who believes in Him to be forgiven from sin.

Always listen to the voice of the Lord and move on with absolute positivity and thanksgiving in the Lord. Do not listen to the voice of the world and people but to the voice of God and the voice coming from the Cross, and live a life of faith. I pray that by doing so you will live a victorious life, creating new history each day.