The Cross of Jesus Christ
(Matthew 11:28-30)

The cross of Jesus Christ is the beginning, core, and all of our faith.(Heb 12:2) Therefore when we are armed with the faith of Jesus' cross, we can overcome all troubles in the world. Then what grace will the cross of Jesus bring in our lives?

1. The place where we can rest (Mt 11:28)
The cross of Jesus Christ is our resting place. People live heavily burdened during their lifetime. No one is able to bear the burdens of their lives. Where is the true resting place in this world? Jesus is inviting those who are weary and burdened. As we can avoid heat and take a rest under a big tree in the scorching sun, we can get a true rest when we come under the cross of Jesus. I hope that you come under the cross of Jesus, cast all your heavy burdens there, and have true peace and rest.

2. The place of gentleness and humility (Mt 11:29)
Jesus was gentle and humble in all His life. Jesus was born in a low, humble manger, and washed the feet of His disciples the night before hanging on the cross. And Jesus took up the cross with the most gentle and humble attitude.(Phil 2:8) Therefore we should learn the gentleness and humility of the Lord, looking at the cross. When we die on the cross with the Lord and are resurrected with Him, we are free from our old selves.(Gal 2:20) When we crucify our old selves filled with pride, greed, resentment, complaints, and negative thinking ways, and are resurrected with Jesus, we are turned gentle and humble.

3. The place where we accompany God (Mt 11:29-30)
The cross of Jesus Christ is the place with the Lord. Jesus says to us, "Take my yoke upon you." When a calf is yoked on its mother, it ploughs a field with the power of the mother. All the calf has to do is just to be yoked on its mother and follow her. In this way, when we are yoked on Jesus, the Lord bears all our burdens and our yoke becomes easy and light. If all of us would come after the Lord, we must take up our cross.(Mk 8:34) However, we do not take up the cross alone, but with the Lord. Then we can readily take up the cross.

The Lord now invites us, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened." I pray that all of us accept this invitation, have true rest under the cross, are changed gentle and humble, joyfully take up the cross with the Lord, and walk with the Him all the time.