The Dream and Faith
(Exodus 2:1-10)

Human history is advanced by a few creative leaders less than 5% who have dreams and visions. We Christians should have dreams and visions in Jesus. Today let us see Moses who was greatly used by God when he had dreams and faith even in the desperate situations.

1. Moses born in the desperate situations (Ex 1:7, 13-14, 16, 22)
In those days when Moses was born, the Israelites lived a life of slaves in Egypt. After all the household of Jacob transferred to Egypt when Joseph was prime minister there a long time ago, the Israelites received God's blessings and greatly multiplied. However, later the king who didn't know Joseph arose up, felt threatened, and oppressed the Israelites. He placed them in building cities and overworked them. Moreover, he commanded the midwives to kill all Hebrew boys as they were born. However, the Hebrew was increasing and the king ordered that Hebrew boys should be thrown into the river and killed as they were born. In this way, at times troubles and persecution come to believers. Yet, no hardship defeats believers forever.

2. His mother who had the dream and faith (Ex 2:1-4)
One day a boy was born in the house of Levi and he looked so fine. So the mother hid him for three months. But when she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it along the river. She let his sister see what would happen to him. The boy's mother and sister dreamed and believed that someone would save him. The people of God must not lose dreams and hope like this. There is the will of God for us in any trouble. Therefore hold on to the cross and move on with dreams and faith. Then your dreams will come true and things will be done as you have believed.

3. God's providence and guidance (Ex 2:5-10)
Right at the moment, Pharaoh's daughter went out to bathe, saw the basket, and sent her slave girl to get it. She knew that the baby was a Hebrew. But he looked fine and she felt sorry for him. So she decided to raise him. The devil instigated Pharaoh to kill all the boys of Israel, but God saved Moses through Pharaoh's daughter. Furthermore, by His providence God let Moses nursed and raised by his mother. God guides and protects His chosen people to the end. Moses grew up as prince, ran out to the desert at 40, prepared himself there for forty years, and saved Israel at 80.

God is the God of reversal. He turns despair into hope. I pray that you trust and depend only on God, live according to the Word, and are greatly used by God like Moses.