Those Who Stayed With Jesus
(John 6:67-71)

Christians live a life of believing in and depending only on Jesus Christ. We should always move on, focusing only on Jesus.(Heb 12:2) When we do not look at Jesus but people or our circumstance, we are disappointed and live a life with broken heart.

1. Those who left Jesus. (Jn 6:51, 66)
At first a large number of people followed Jesus when they saw His tremendous teachings and miracles. It was in the peak when He performed a miracle of five pieces of bread and two fish, and there were 5,000 men and all together over 20,000 including women and children. When Jesus went to Capernaum, people rushed to Him, expecting miracles. Then Jesus explained the bread of life. When Jesus told them to feed them with His flesh and blood, they did not understand Him. And as they realized that Jesus were not a politic Messiah who would set them free from Rome, they began to leave the Lord. There are some people who leave the church when they do not get what they want while believing the Lord. The church is not the place where they accomplish their benefit and purpose. It is the place where they serve the Lord, giving thanks for the grace of salvation.

2. Those who stayed with Jesus.(Jn 6:67-69)
When many people were leaving Jesus, He asked the twelve disciples who were still with Him, "Are you going away, too?" When we left the Lord and draw back because we disagree with Him, He asks us, "Are you going away?" Demas, the fellow worker of Apostle Paul, devoted himself to the mission at first, but when sufferings came over to him, he deserted Paul and went away to the world. On the contrary, Mark left Paul for a while during the first mission trip, but he repented, came back, and worked with Paul to the end.(2Tim 4:10-11) Peter answered the question of the Lord. "Lord, you have the Word of eternal life. Who can we go to?" Likewise, we must stay with the Lord. With the Lord, we should life a life filled with the Word and the Holy Spirit.

3. The disciple who betrayed Jesus.(Jn 6:70-71)
Judas Iscariot among the twelve disciples sold Jesus to Jewish leaders for 30 silver coins when his will was not fulfilled. We must keep faith to the end. Since there were many martyrs like Pastor Gicheol Ju who kept his faith and rejected worshipping at a shrine under Japanese rule, and Pastors Yangwon Son and Ikdoo Kim who were killed by communists, today our country can have a great revival. When trouble comes, we must also keep our faith and win a victory. Then God's marvelous blessing is prepared for us.

Let us keep faith. This winter is colder than before, but it will not overcome the warm wind of spring. Since there was lots of snow, we will have a good harvest this year. I pray that you advance, holding on to the cross with absolutely positive faith.