Quiet! Be still!
(Mark 4:35-41)

We are living in the age in which everything is shaking. There are earthquakes in many places around the world and there arise big and small disputes without ceasing in every country. A huge number of people are suffering from diseases and famine. It is only in the Lord that we do not sway but live a victorious life of faith.

1. The disciples who faced a storm (Mark 4:35-37)

When Jesus and His disciples were going over to the other side of the sea of Galilee, a sudden squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so it was full of water. The disciples tried hard to win against the storm, relying on their own power but it grew stronger and stronger, so that the boat was nearly swamped. When we face a trial, we try our best to get out of it, only to find the situation getting worse. Through this kind of experience, God makes us realize how weak human beings are. In this very moment we should come to God's throne with outstretched arms.

2. Jesus who was asleep (Mark 4:38)

When the disciples could not handle the situation for themselves, they told Jesus reproachfully. “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” However Jesus had never been indifferent to their pain. Instead of relying on the Lord from the beginning of trials, many people come to Jesus, only when they find that they cannot do anything on their own. Then they complain why the Lord does not help them. Upon facing problems, we should fall down at Jesus' feet and cry out for help.

3. Jesus who stilled the storm (Mark 4:39)

Jesus woke up and rebuked the storm. Immediately the wind died down and the sea was calm. Only Jesus can settle all problems. One word of Jesus brought the miracle to pass. When He said, “Quiet! Be still!” it was done according His word. Therefore confess with your mouth the faith of absolute positivity, always holding on to the words of promise. Then you will instantly have your problems solved.

4. The works of faith (Mark 4:40-41)

After calming the storm, Jesus rebuked His disciples saying, “Why are you so afraid?" Seeing what is seen, people feel frustrated and tremble. However we should be a person of faith. Recognizing that God who is in control of the entire universe is with us, we need to hold on to the cross and go forward with the faith of absolute positivity. Amazing things will happen to us when we move on only with faith, clinging to dreams and hopes.

I pray that in face of problems coming toward you, you will move on with faith, trusting Jesus who is almighty enough to settle your issues.