The Woman Who Touched Jesus' Cloak
(Mark 5:25-34)

A person's life is about meeting people. We are born to meet our parents and siblings. We grow to meet our friends and spouse. Living in the society, we meet a lot of people. However meeting Jesus is more important than any other thing in our lives. When we meet him, our lives change.

1. The woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years (Mark 5:25-26)
There was a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. People shunned having contact with her because she was deemed unclean according to the law. She spent all her possessions to be cured of her disease, only to find it worse. This woman's desperate situation represents what humanity is like away from God. Due to sin, we are living in poverty, curse and various kinds of ailment. Human life away from God is nothing but despair.

2. The woman who heard about Jesus (Mark 5:27)
One day she heard about Jesus. It was a story of hope for the woman who had been waiting for death, giving up everything. The news said that any sick person who went to Jesus would be healed of any disease. The end of human endeavor is the point where God starts to work. Now she had hopes and dreams. We need to be attentive to the voice of Jesus and then we will have faith.

3. The woman who held Jesus' cloak (Mark 5:27-29)
Hearing about Jesus, she had the faith that if she just touched his clothes, she could be healed. However she could not come closer to Jesus as he was surrounded by people. Besides, as he was on his way to the house of Jairus, one of the synagogue rulers to heal his daughter, Jesus was walking fast. In spite of all these situations, she did not give up. Finally she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak. The moment she touched it, reaching out her hand with faith, she got completely healed.

4. The woman of faith whom Jesus recognized (Mark 5:30-34)
Realizing that power had gone out from him, Jesus asked, “Who touched my clothes?” Then the woman came before him. Considering her faith as precious, Jesus said, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” The woman was completely free from the suffering which had harassed her for 12 years.

Your faith in the Lord produces miracles. When you move on with faith, holding on to the cross, amazing things will happen to you. I pray that you will have this kind of faith.