The Calling
(Jeremiah 1:4-10)

Living in this world as Christians, we should live with definite goals. In order to achieve his work through us, God has chosen each and every one of us. Therefore we should not live a meaningless life without purposes or directions.

1. God's calling (Jeremiah 1:4-5)
Right before the Kingdom of Judah was to be destroyed due to its sins, Jeremiah, the prophet prophesied the fall of Judah with tears. Thinking of Judah facing the crisis of destruction, Jeremiah could not help shedding tears. In that moment, God called Jeremiah. God ① foreknew him long time ago, ② set him apart and ③ appointed him as a prophet. We were also called by God. Without him calling us, we cannot come before him. It is a boundless grace that he called us among so many people. Therefore we should always give thanks to him for his calling us and live a life worthy of it.

2. Our vulnerability (Jeremiah 1:6)
When God called Jeremiah, he confessed his weakness. “I do not know how to speak; I am too young.” Facing God's calling, Jeremiah tried to introspect himself. Like this, we need to look into ourselves in front of God: how unqualified are we in his sight? Therefore we need to entirely depend on him. Throughout trials, God breaks our obstinateness and pride, causing us to depend on him after we confess that we are nothing.
3. The Lord who entrusts us with a mission (Jeremiah 1:7-10)
When God calls us, well does he know who we are. Even though it is necessary for us to confess our frailty as he is always with us, we should not say, ‘I'm not able. I can't do this.’ Humility is totally different from negative thinking. We should live a life held by God's hand. When we move on to fulfill our mission, there are a lot of hardships coming around us. ① However we should not be afraid of them. ② Then God will be with us and achieve the work of salvation. Besides, he gives us his word. ③ Thereby he helps us to destroy the Kingdom of Sin and to establish the Kingdom of Righteousness.

God has called all of us. So do not retreat but move on to fulfill your mission by relying on the lord who is with you and makes you filled with the word and the Holy Spirit.