The Offering that God Accepts
(Gen. 4:3-10)

A person's lifetime is about having relationships with people. Christians live in two significant relationships: the relationship with God (vertical relationship) and the relationship with neighbors (horizontal relationship). It is love that can make these relationships beautiful. When Adam and Eve sinned and fell and the relationship with God went wrong, what was waiting for them was the cursed environment with thorns and thistles.

1. The offerings of Cain and Abel (Gen. 4:3-7)
Cain and Abel were born to Adam and Eve. Cain grew up to become a farmer and Abel became a shepherd of sheep. When they offered to God, God received only Abel's offering. Why was it that Cain's offering was not accepted? ①his is because he was not doing what is right (Gen. 4:7). ②Besides he did not offer to God in faith (Hebr. 11:4). ③He offered to God 'the fruit of deeds', not 'the blood sacrifices’ (Hebr. 9:22). The offering for us to give to God is to be relied on the blood of Jesus on the cross. Confessing that there is no merit from our part, we must go before God relying on the blood.

2. Cain who killed Abel (Gen. 4:8)
As God received only the offering of Abel, Cain became furious and killed his brother. Sin had come into humanity, from which hatred, conflict and murder were engendered in human life. Just as Cain killed Abel obsessed with jealousy and hatred, Saul also tried to kill David. We must fight off the enemy of hatred in our hearts. This is because hatred destroys your own self above all. In order to fight off the hate, we need to move on with the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ on the cross.

3. God who gives a chance (Gen. 4:9-10)
God already knew that Cain had killed Abel.However God asked him, "Where is Abel, your brother?" But Cain lied to God that he did not know his whereabouts. These were the heart, word and deed originating from the devil, who was a murderer from the beginning and was the father of lies (John 8:44). When we hurt someone, who has remained close to us and put him or her in despair, which is beyond description, God asks us "Where is the one you wounded?" This question is asked to give us a chance. That is, this is God's care to help us to do our best to ask for forgiveness from many people, whom we have hurt knowingly or unknowingly in the meantime and to heal the rest of the wounds.

By bearing the cross, Jesus has come to us as the infinite love and forgiveness. Therefore I bless you and pray that remembering the cross of Jesus, you will be able to love and forgive brothers, neighbors and even enemies.