Those Whom the Lord Uses
(Mark 11:1-10)

Today is Palm Sunday. 2000 years ago today, Jesus entered Jerusalem to bear the cross. The Holy Passion Week starts as of today and 2/3 of the Book of Mark records what happened in this period. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, he rode a colt.

1. The owner who gave a colt to the Lord (Mark 11:1-6)

Before Jesus entered Jerusalem, he told two of his disciples to go to the village, to untie a colt and to bring it there. And if anyone asked them, ‘Why are you doing this?’ they were supposed to say, ‘The Lord needs it.’ According to Jesus’ word, the disciples went to the village and untied the colt, saying to the owner, ‘The Lord needs it.’ The owner readily let them go with it. The owner of the donkey shows an example of obedience. When the Lord wants to use, we must be obedient to him, saying “yes” with no strings attached. We must live a life imitating the example of Jesus who was absolutely obedient to will of God.

2. The colt that was used by the Lord (Mark 11:7)

No one had ever been on the colt. This means purity. We must be pure in front of Jesus, our spiritual bridegroom. We must live a life, loving our Lord with pure heart and prepared to meet him. We must be as innocent and humble as a little child. Greed entered into the human history, making people proud and sinful and live prodigal lives. Throughout our lives, we should fight against pride, greed and filthy secular thinking. The colt fulfilled its mission to be ridden by Jesus. To be used by God is a great honor. With Christ in us, we should glorify only Jesus.

3. Jesus entering Jerusalem on a colt and the crowd (Mark 11:7-10

Jesus came as the king of kings but humbly entered Jerusalem riding a colt. We must live a life, being a life-long imitator of Jesus. We should not glorify ourselves but only God. In the midst of people’s cheer, Jesus entered Jerusalem. However only a few days later, swept by the instigation of the high priest, the same crowd cried that Jesus be crucified on the cross. Even though problems and hardships come your way and everything does not work according to your will, do not betray Jesus. Throughout your lives, invite Jesus and live with him joyfully.

Even a colt was greatly used to achieve the great cross ministry of Jesus. There is no one who is not to be used by the Lord. I bless you and pray that all of you will be a meek, humble and pure colt to be used for the glorious work of the Lord.