Resurrection of Yesterday, of Today and of Tomorrow
(Matthew 28:5-6, Hebrews 13:8)

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest miracle of entire human history. The resurrection of Jesus has opened the door of salvation to all human beings. Anyone who believes in Jesus will have eternal life and participate in the glory of resurrection

1. Resurrection of yesterday

The resurrection of Jesus is a historical truth which actually happened 2,000 years ago. After the Lord died on the cross, the chief priests and the Pharisees feared the resurrection and asked Pilate to send the military to guard the tomb firmly. Although the soldiers sealed the tomb with stones and guarded it, after three days Jesus was resurrected to break the power of sin and death. Neither any man nor any power could prevent the resurrection of Jesus. For 40 days after the resurrection, He appeared to Mary Magdalene, Peter, 12 disciples, two disciples on their way to Emmaus, and in front of 500 people at the same time. In total He appeared 11 times, after which He ascended into heaven.

2. Resurrection of today

The resurrection of Jesus achieved through His coming out of the tomb two thousand years ago is not over. If anyone believes in Jesus today will be immediately saved and receive the life of resurrection. Salvation is a contemporary event. The life of resurrection will come upon the moment you believe in Jesus. We will win over any despair as we have the life of resurrection. Even death cannot prevail against us. In order to experience the grace of resurrection on a daily basis, we need to crucify ourselves first on the cross. There is no resurrection without the cross. Our stubbornness, pride and disobedience should be crucified. Also transformed by the love of Christ, we must live a life to glorify God.

3. Resurrection of tomorrow

Death is not the end. It is a new beginning. When Jesus comes again in the future, we will participate in all the glory of resurrection. And we will enter heaven the Lord has prepared for us. In heaven crying shall be no more, nor sorrow, nor mourning, nor ill, nor death shall be any more. We will live in heaven, praising the Lord forever. We should live for Him, looking forward to the days with the faith of resurrection. Armed with such faith in the resurrection, we will not despair even when we face hardships. Furthermore, we will be able to serve those facing desperate situations with the love of Christ and to convey hope and courage to them.

I bless you and pray that all of you will become saints to participate in the resurrection of yesterday, of today and of tomorrow through believing in and relying on the risen Jesus who is the same yesterday, today and forever.