Doubt and Faith
(John 20:24-29)

The biggest enemy of the life of faith is unbelief in God. Unbelief is the father of negative thoughts, leading one to grievance and complaint and making one doubt the word of God in every matter. Not having met the resurrected Jesus in person, Thomas was caught up in doubt. Sometimes we find ourselves in the same boat.

1. Thomas who doubted the Risen Jesus (John 20:24-25)
When the resurrected Jesus first appeared to the disciples, Thomas was not in the place. Although the other disciples said to him that they had seen the resurrected Jesus, he said that he could not believe it unless he put his finger where the nails were, and put his hand into Jesus’ side. Faith is to believe the Word literally without doubting. However, like Israelites who came out of Egypt and wandered in the wilderness because of unbelief, many people do not thoroughly believe in the Word of promise. Caught in negative thoughts first, they grumble and complain. Negative thoughts destroy their lives, leading them to despair. Relying on God and thoroughly believing in the Word of God, we should move forward with the faith of absolute positivity.

2. Jesus re-appearing to the disciples (John 20:26)
After eight days, Jesus reappeared to his disciples again. This time Thomas was on the spot. Jesus gave him a second chance to stand firm in his faith. As in this case, God gives us a second chance. Everyone has both large and small failures. Therefore you should not give it up because you have failed. You should stand on your feet again. Job had lost everything but God blessed him and later gave him twice as much as the original possessions. Jonah rebelled against the will of God and was bound for Tarshish. On his way he met a storm and was thrown into the sea, finding himself in the belly of a big fish. When he confessed his sins with a contrite heart, God gave him a second chance and used him to make the people of Nineveh repent of their sins.

3. Jesus who wants persons of faith (John 20:27-29)
Jesus appeared to Thomas, showing him his hands and sides and said to him, "Stop doubting and believe." He is looking for the person of faith: he who firmly believes in the Word of promise and moves forward. In Hebrews chapter 11, we find numerous heroes of the faith. We should also live as people of faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). After meeting Jesus, Thomas changed and confessed, "My Lord and my God". All of us are supposed to live for only Jesus who is everything to us. Continue to take after Him. Witness only Jesus Christ.

Doubt is unbelief. Therefore, I bless you and pray that you will be men of faith by taking away all doubts and go forward by relying on God’s word.