Faith and Love Based on Hope
(Colossians 1:3-6)

Unlike animals human beings live on dreams and hopes. Dreams and hopes change the future of a person. Therefore we should live in Jesus Christ with holy dreams and hopes. The apostle Paul praised the faith of saints of the church in Colossae, while he was writing a letter to the church in prison.

I. Prayer of thanksgiving (Col. 1:3)
As the Christians of the church in Colossae led an exemplary life of faith, the apostle Paul thanked God whenever he prayed for them. We should live our lives which are to be recognized by the Lord and owing to us abundant thanks should be given to the Lord. Also we should live our lives overflowing with thanksgiving. Above all, we must thank God for salvation. God receives our thanksgiving with joy and performs the work of salvation.

II. Faith and love in Christ (Col. 1:4)
Christians of the church in Colossae triumphed over the persecution with faith and drove out heresies. Also with the love of Christ, they served the saints and the society. When the church in the book of Acts became the model of serving, even the secular people praised the church. By serving the saints and the society, we should become a praiseworthy church and people of God.

III. The Word and hope (Col. 1:5)
Christians of the church in Colossae gained the hope of heaven by hearing the Word of truth and keeping and doing it. Likewise we should move forward with faith, depending on the Word of God with holy dreams and hopes. No matter what difficulties you might have at present, we must move forward, looking to the future of blessing. Our holy dream will surely make our future beautiful.

IV. Faith that bears fruit (Col. 1:6)
The church in Colossae was a growing and fruitful one. Our church should be the same. When we abide in Jesus, we will bear much fruit (John 15:5). Jesus must be our top priority in our lives. In Jesus Christ, we should bear the fruit of love, serving, evangelism, giving and the holy spirit abundantly. When we bear much fruit, God is glorified.

I bless you and pray that taking after the saints of the church in Colossae, who had strong faith, served other saints and neighbors with love and had holy hope abundantly, our church and saints will glorify God.