Return to the Lord
(Joel 2:12-14)

Cross references:
Joel 2:12 : S Dt 4:30; S Eze 33:11; S Hos 12:6
Joel 2:12 : S 1Sa 7:3
Joel 2:13 : Ps 51:17; Isa 57:15
Joel 2:13 : S Ge 37:29; S Nu 14:6; Job 1:20
Joel 2:13 : S Isa 19:22
Joel 2:13 : S Dt 4:31
Joel 2:13 : Ex 34:6; S Ps 86:5, 15
Joel 2:13 : S Jer 18:8; Jnh 4:2
Joel 2:14 : Jer 26:3; Jnh 3:9
Joel 2:14 : Am 5:15; Jnh 1:6
Joel 2:14 : Jer 31:14; Hag 2:19; Zec 8:13; Mal 3:10
Joel 2:14 : S Joel 1:13
There is no perfect man in this world. Everyone makes mistakes and commits errors. Therefore what is important is to turn away from wrongs as soon as possible and not to remain in a sinful habit. In order to be used by God in a precious manner, children of God should turn back from their wrongs quickly.

1. God who gives another chance (Joel 2:12)

Joel the prophet exhorts the suffering people of Judah to repent and return to the Lord even now. God is the God who gives us another chance. Our Lord is calling us to come back even now, with all our heart, with fasting, weeping and mourning. Just this moment is the time to return to the Lord. What kind of problem do you have? Are you wandering in despair? Are you facing a great tribulation? Are you less passionate about faith than before? Have your joy and gratitude vanished? You should get back to the Lord now. Suffering comes to you ①when you are far away from God, ② or when God is training you to make your faith mature. With any trial coming toward you, you should come closer to the Lord. You must not miss the opportunity the Lord gives you.

2. God of love who waits for us (Joel 2:13)

Our Lord is waiting for us to repent and return. Our Lord, God is good indeed. He is gracious, merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love and when you repent, he relents from sending calamity. As in ‘the parable of the prodigal son’, the heart of our God is like that of the father that waited for the second son who left home to return as of the day when he first left. When we repent and return to the Lord, our Lord forgives our sins and embraces us in his arms with infinite love.

3. God who blesses penitents (Joel 2:14)

Through judgment God makes us repent and when we return to the Lord, he blesses us. Also he makes our worship service restored in front of the Lord. Likewise, as we repent and return to the arms of the Lord, he forgives all of us, helps us to meet the living God through worship service and fills our heart with joy and peace. Furthermore, he pours out the Holy Spirit to the children of God and causes them to change into people of the Holy Spirit and proceed with new visions and hopes.

Even now God is waiting for us to repent and return to him. Therefore return to him as you are. Repent. Regain the love of God. Abide in the grace of God. Then you will be a whole new person in the Lord.