The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven
(Matthew 18:1-4)

Most people do their best to maintain their position. They are anxious for good, high, powerful and well treated position. But we need to know that the place of the world is not an eternal one. Christians should have a greater interest in finding a place with which the Lord is pleased.

I. The coveted positions (Matthew 18:1-2, Mark 9:33-34)
When Jesus talked about his suffering and resurrection in the future, the disciples did not understand it at all. They were arguing with each other on the road as to who would sit in the highest place. They were more concerned with the kingdom in this world rather than the spiritual world and fought to occupy a higher position. We should seek 'things above' rather than 'earthly things’, that is, what belongs to the kingdom of heaven. Places people want are high and well treated ones. You can show off yourself there. But the place Jesus wants is where you 'humble yourself and serve others' and where only Jesus is revealed. Endeavor to go to the place where God wants you to be rather than where people want to go. Go into the way of suffering for the glory of God, the way of the cross.

II. The person Jesus seeks (Matthew 18:3)
When children came to Jesus, his disciples stopped and rebuked them. But Jesus welcomed and prayed for them by laying his hand on them (Matthew 19:13-15). God is looking for a person who has a childlike faith. One of the main characteristics of a child is innocence undefiled by the sins of the world. We should become pure and clean believers before the Lord in all respects. Forsaking greed, arrogance and selfishness before the Lord, we must always remain in the first love with the Lord.

III. The greatest in the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:4)
The greatest person in the kingdom of heaven is the one who humbles himself before God, that is, who has humility. Humility is the character of Jesus. Jesus lived a life of humility throughout his life. Sin took root, coming from the pride that man wanted to become like God. Therefore, we must fight against pride. Humility refers to a way of life that you regard yourself as nothing and God as everything to you. When we serve God, armed with meekness and humility, God is glorified and does amazing things. God chooses the meek and humble to shame the proud.

The greatest man in heaven is one who humbles himself, that is, who serves others. I bless you and pray that all of you will be a person of faith, who is as pure and clean as a child and become the greatest in heaven.