Be Strong and Courageous!
(Deuteronomy 31:6-8)

We live in an age of uncertainty. Not being sure of even tomorrow, we are living in this problematic world. From time to time, trials come to us without any prior notice. In this moment, we as children of God should keep our hearts with diligence.

I. A person of strong faith
Throughout our lives we should live as people of strong faith. With any difficulties or trials coming toward you, you should keep your heart strong. Once your mind is destroyed, everything about you crumbles. God told Joshua who was about to conquer Canaan three times, that he should be strong in mind and of good courage (Joshua 1:6-7, 9). In front of Goliath, a giant of the Philistines, all Israelites trembled. However David, the boy of faith proceeded with strong and bold faith and beat him. Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) Jesus who overcame the world is with us.

II. A worker God accompanies
God is with us. God of love never leaves us nor even forsakes us. He becomes our shepherd and leads us to the path of prepared blessings. As God who is rich in everything is our shepherd, we lack nothing. God always leads us to the place of grace prepared by Him. The Lord God who has been with our church for the past 54 years will be with our church for the next 50 years and even more.

III. The leader who accomplishes the Word of the promise
As of the days of Abraham, the ancestor, God promised to give the land of Canaan. God does keep the Word of the promise. Joshua went forth, holding onto the Word of the promise. Therefore, we should live, holding onto the Word. Do not listen to negative sound, but to the Word and move forward with faith, obedient to the Word. When Jesus walking on top of the storm told Peter, 'Come', he walked on the water but seeing the storm, he had unbelief and fell into the water. In spite of impossible situation, miracle will come to you when you rely only on the Lord and move forward. When Joshua became the leader to succeed to Moses and relied only on the Word of God, people could cross the Jordan, destroy the wall of Jericho and conquer the promised land of Canaan. God helps you, when you move forward with the faith of absolute positivity, relying only on the Word of God, and with the faith of the fullness of the Holy Spirit, holding onto the cross.

I bless you and pray that all of you will become strong and bold workers of God like Joshua and fulfill the promise of God's Word in a great way.