The Holy Spirit and Mission
(Matthew 28:18-20)

At the end of the four Gospels in the New Testament and in the first part of Acts, the last word of Jesus at the ascension is written. It is called "the Great Commission." Among them, Verses 18-20 of Matthew 28 is the typical one. This is the absolute commission given to all Christians and the primary mission that the church is to carry out.

I. Do your missionary work with the authority of Jesus (Matthew 28:18)
Through Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection, the power of sin and death surrendered in front of Jesus. Even the whole universe and all authority were obedient to Jesus and glorified His name (Philippians 2:9-11). We are weak but by the power of the Lord, we can boldly preach the gospel. Let’s spread the gospel, with the fullness of the Holy Spirit and by the authority of Jesus Christ.

II. Make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19)
Starting from near neighbors, we must reach out to the end of the Earth with gospel, as we cross the border. You must have all peoples believe in Jesus Christ. We should not live like a big fish in a small pond, trapped inside our own problems and hurting each other. In Acts, at the time of great persecution which arose as Stephen was martyred, all the saints who scattered from Jerusalem began to preach the gospel by going to the region of Judea and Samaria.

III. Teach them to obey (Matthew 28:20 a)
After believing in Jesus, there should be a sustainable and spiritual growth. Our weakness comes from the lack of the Word. The Word will change us. Therefore you must always be filled with the Word of the Lord. We need to meditate on it day and night, and systematically learn, study, recite and proclaim it. You must accompany the Word. Why do the worldly people point a finger at some Christians? This is because they do not live according to the Word. Despite the knowledge of the Word, they do not practice it. This is a problem. Become salt and light of the world according to the Word. Become a hero who changes the world.

IV. I am with you always (Matthew 28:20 b)
He will never leave us. Everything changes but the promise of God's Word does not change. Holding onto the Word of promise, you should live by faith. Ascending into heaven, Jesus promised that He would be always with us by sending us the Holy Spirit. Walk with the Holy Spirit. Become a person of the Holy Spirit. Live a life of victory by the power of the Holy Spirit. Be sure to fulfill your mission to become a witness to the gospel.