The Life God Wants Us to Live
(Mic. 6:6-8)

For anyone in this world, life is one time opportunity. Therefore we need to live a rewarding, meaningful and happy life which is given once. This life is possible, only when we are in Jesus. We need to live a life which God wants us to live and recognizes.

I. A righteous life before God
Above all, God wants us to do justice. God wants us to act justly and virtuously before God. In the days of the prophet Micah, sin was rampant and justice was not practiced. In order to live a life God recognizes, we need to live righteously before God. Always in our lives we should “let justice roll on like a river, and righteousness like a never-failing stream!" (Amos 5:24). True righteousness means we live properly before God and men. When we seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness, we can live a life like this.

II. A life of compassion and mercy
God wants us to love mercy. Here the word, “mercy” (Hesedh in Hebrew) has the meaning of favor, compassion, grace and mercy. To love mercy means that you love God first, being always obedient, loyal and devoted. This means mercy and love for neighbors. But such a love of God and neighbor must be sustained for a long time without change. The whole world we are living in is going sick due to the lack of love. Only the love we receive from God can heal and transform the world. So we should give love and kindness to our neighbor as much as possible.

III. A life of walking humbly with God
God wants us to live a life, humbly walking with Him. Unless you always fight against pride and win over it, you cannot do the work the Lord entrusted you with. Therefore, workers who especially serve the Lord must be armed with humility. The key to humbly walking with God is to live by faith. Enoch walked with God throughout his life and was lifted up to heaven without dying. But more than anyone else, our Lord showed the example of humble life (Matthew 11:29-30, Philippians 2:5-8). As we are being crucified with Jesus Christ, we can learn the humility of the Lord and live, walking with God.

God wants us to live a life of righteousness and of compassion and mercy and of walking humbly with Him. Then God will be pleased with us even more than with any sacrifice we offer to Him.