God’s Guidance
(Exodus 40:34-38)

This world is not our home but only a stop we stay temporarily on our way to heaven. We all live a life of a traveler. God guided the Israelites for 40 years in the wilderness after the Exodus. The pillars of cloud and fire were the symbols of the guidance of God.

I. The glory and presence of God (Exodus 40:34-35)

When Moses consecrated the tabernacle, a cloud settled over it and the glory of God fully came down. God had the tabernacle placed in the center of ranks in which Israelites proceeded in the wilderness. Just as God did not leave Israelites but stayed with them for 40 years, so has God given us church as a place in which to serve the Lord. God is always with us in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on us. When the Holy Spirit comes down to church of the Lord, the glory of God is revealed and the river of the blood of Jesus Christ overflows in every worship service as it is anointed by the Holy Spirit. Wherever the river of the blood flows, the ministry of giving life and restoration appears (Ezekiel 47:9). As God’s clouds always stayed over the tabernacle, make sure you remain filled with God’s Word and His Spirit, and pray that the will and the glory of God will be revealed

II. The guidance and protection of God (Exodus 40:36-38)

The pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire were the symbols of God's presence and glory and they were the grace of God that led and protected Israelites. Cloud settled over the tabernacle and when it arose, the children of Israel went marching. During the day solar heat was so strong that they were not able to proceed. But God covered the sun with a pillar of cloud, so that they could walk in the coolness of the wilderness. And by night as a pillar of fire helped them overcome the cold and brilliantly illuminated the way forward, they could march forward. While living in the world, we should be led by a pillar of cloud of the Word and a pillar of fire of the Holy Spirit.

III. Jesus, the Guide

Jesus Christ led the Israelites in the wilderness (1 Corinthians10:1-4). Therefore, Jesus Christ is the only one we could trust, depend on, fix our eyes on, and follow throughout our lives which are like the desert road (Hebrews 12:2). Do not look at the environment. Do not look at people. Do not look at yourself. Fixing your eyes on only Jesus, you should move forward. Only Jesus can solve all our problems. He is our only hope. Our Lord will lead all our lives. He will prepare us a table in the wilderness and in the presence of our enemies.

God who led and protected Israelites in the wilderness is our God. Therefore, I bless you and pray that you will proceed with the faith of absolute positivity and absolute gratitude in any situation.