癤풞 Table in the Desert
(Psalm 78:10-20)
While we are going on our way in this world like desert, God becomes our shepherd and leads us to a place of blessings that He has prepared for us.

I. God who demonstrated mercy (Psalm 78:12-16)
Our God is God of grace and love. When the Israelites were slaves in Egypt for 430 years, God sent Moses, punished the Egyptians with ten kinds of disasters, and delivered Israel. The last plague was to destroy all of the first-born. Only those Israelites who put the blood of the lamb on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses were saved. Likewise, we who had lived with sin received forgiveness and salvation by the blood of Jesus. Also, God divided the Red Sea in front of the Israelites and led them through with the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night, while they were passing through the wilderness. Besides He split the rock to quench the thirst of the people of Israel. God provided them with all things they needed. (Exodus 19:4). We must not forget the great grace and favor, which God has bestowed upon us.

II. Israel who had sinned against God (Psalm 78:8-11, 17-19)
For 40 years in the wilderness, the people of Israel did not give thanks to God but continued to go against God. ??Being disloyal to God: They were stubborn, rebellious, dishonest and disloyal to God. Also, they kept on complaining and grumbling. They did not live up to God's covenant and forgot what God had done for them. ??Continuing to sin against God: they continued to sin and turn against God. ??Rebelling against God: Further, the Israelites grumbled that God would not bestow a table in the wilderness and rebelled against God by making a golden calf idol and serving it as a god.

III. A table God prepares in the desert (Psalm 78:24-29, 34-38)
Even though the Israelites sinned against God, God of love set an abundant table for them in the wilderness. For 40 years in the wilderness, He supplied them with food by sending them manna and quail on a daily basis. In spite of all these, the unbelief of Israel continued. However when Israel repented of their sins and returned to God, God forgave and blessed them again. Like this, having mercy upon us, God embraces us in His arms and sets a table for us in the wilderness whenever we repent and come back to Him.

Have you met the desert in your life? Do not complain nor grumble but hold onto God who leads you with the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire. Then God will receive you with an abundant table in the wilderness.