The Peace of the Lord
(Phil 4:6-7)

In this world of many concerns and worries, true joy and happiness are to be found only in Jesus Christ. Therefore instead of abiding in ‘the prison of problem’, we are supposed to move forward only holding on to the cross with the faith of absolute positivity. The secret to a victorious faith life is found in always maintaining the peace of mind.

1. Do not be anxious
In order to maintain the peace of mind, you should not be anxious. When facing problems, you should cast all your anxiety on the Lord (1 Peter 5:7). When confronting issues, many people are so anxious that they cannot keep their minds and they destroy themselves. Therefore, when faced with the problem, we should not worry but fight off anxieties and concerns by being armed with the faith of absolute positivity and holding onto the Word of God.

2. Make prayer and petition
Through prayers, we can keep heart at peace in this world, which is full of worries and concerns. When troubles surround us and we cannot find any helping hand from any direction, we should look at heaven and cry out to God in prayers. Our help comes from God. Prayer is the channel of blessings, miracles, and answers. God is attentive to the petition of the weak. Therefore, when we cry out to God, He answers our prayers and does amazing things.

3. Give thanks to the Lord
Giving thanks to the Lord is casting all our cares to God. We should be grateful for everything. Thanksgivings and praises to God is the sacrifice which pleases God. Therefore we should always live a life filled with gratitude and praise. Our God is good. Therefore we should always give thanks to God abundantly.

4. Enjoy the peace of mind
When we lay down our concerns and pray to God with thanksgiving, we have a peace in our minds. He gives our hearts the peace which we cannot have anywhere in the world. When we hold on to the cross, stand firm on the Word, and receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, God gives us the peace of mind. Therefore, filled with the Holy Spirit, we should always have true peace from God overflow in our hearts.

Whatever problems come to you, do not worry but move forward, fixing your eyes only on the Lord, making prayer and petition to the Lord, and giving thanks and praises to the Lord abundantly. You will be able to enjoy the peace of mind from God and live a happy life.