The Work of the Gospel That No One Can Stop
(Acts 14:19-21)

The only thing in the world that cannot be stopped is the work of the gospel. When China became a communist country, there were 4.5 million Christians. But now more than 130,000,000 Chinese people are said to believe in the Lord. Likewise, no matter how desperate situation approaches us, the history of the gospel will continue. No one can stop this.

1. The sufferings Paul went through (Acts 14:19)
As Paul and Barnabas preached the gospel in Lystra, by the power of the Lord they healed a man who had been lame and had never walked from birth. Then there arose a hustle in the city. The crowd thought of Paul and Barnabas as gods in human forms, and wanted to offer sacrifices to them. Paul and Barnabas contrived to stop them and preached the gospel to them. Then some Jews came from Antioch and Iconium and won the crowd over. They stoned Paul. They dragged him outside the city, thinking he was dead. Like this, the life of Paul was that of suffering. However he got over all this suffering by the grace of the cross. The Lord was with Paul throughout his life.

2. Paul who got up again in faith (Acts 14:20)
Paul was on the brink of death, but got up again. Because the Lord gave him new strength. The disciples gathered around Paul who had been stoned and was lying. As partners in faith, all of them must have prayed in tears. Likewise we need coworkers of faith who will pray together. People of faith must gather to pray and defeat the power of darkness. That prayer raised Paul up. Paul who got up went to the city again, where he had been stoned near to death. No one can stop the passion of the gospel. Like this, in any desperate situation, we should get up again and move forward.

3. Ever-expanding work of the gospel (Acts 14:21)
Paul continued to expand his ministry. Nobody can impede the work of God because God is with it. Therefore, we must rely on God fully and move forward in faith. As KTX train is headed for its destination once it departed, we should move forward, only fixing our eyes on the kingdom of heaven. We must not give up midway. God is at work with a human of faith. God is pleased with a human of faith. Suffering follows the work of the Lord. But the suffering is only a process toward more grace. Therefore, we must go through this process with faith.

Until the day when the Lord calls us, move forward only in faith, holding on to the cross of Jesus and relying on the word of promise. Then the Holy Spirit will be with you and lead you to achieve a remarkable history.