Faith That Creates Miracles
(Esther 4:13-16)

Throughout the history of Israel, God has protected his chosen people from all dangers and saved them out of trouble. God whipped them when they went away from Him and became corrupt. But He always loved them and held them in His loving arms when they repented their sins. This demonstrated His love to save humankind.

1. The sufferings the righteous go through
By the grace of God, Esther, a beautiful woman of a lovely figure was chosen as the queen of the King Xerxes out of people of Judah who had been taken to Persia. As she was an orphan, her uncle Mordecai brought her up as a daughter. But Haman, a King’s official, who was a very proud, hated Mordecai and erected a high pole in the yard in order to kill him. Furthermore, he also hated all the Jews, who were the brethren of Mordecai, so he got the copy of the text from the king to kill all the Jews and the decree was issued in the entire country. Even though Mordecai and the Jews did not commit anything wrong, they were on the point of being annihilated.

2. The faith of ‘if I perish, I perish’
Confronting such suffering, all the Jews cried out and prayed to God by wailing and fasting. As all the Jews were on the point of being killed, Esther made a decision of ‘if I perish, I perish’ and went to the king in order to save the whole nation despite the risk of being killed. Faith is a determination. When you move forward with the faith of absolute positivity, miracles will come to you. Prayer is the only way out. When through Jonah Nineveh was warned of God's judgment, all the people including the king fasted and prayed. Then God heard their prayers and withheld the judgment. Likewise, when we move forward with a firm determination of ‘if I perish, I perish’, God hears and answers our prayers.

3. God who governs history
At the risk of death Esther went to the king. But he welcomed her and promised to grant her wishes. Esther told him that she was Jewish and entreated him to save the Jews out of the evil scheme of Haman who was conspiring to get rid of them. According to her wishes, the king saved them and Haman was hanged himself on the pole, which he had prepared to hang Mordecai. Like this, when we pray and proceed, God is at work. If we want to work for ourselves, God is just watching over us. But if we pray and entrust God with all things, He knows all things and directs us even in detail.

Whatever trials and crises approach you, you are supposed to lie face down in front of the Lord, ask Him, and proceed in faith with the determination of ‘if I perish, I perish’. Then God does amazing things.