The Race of Faith
(Hebrews 12:1-2)

The flower of the Olympic Games is marathon. When a runner enters the main stadium and runs toward the finish line, all the crowd stands up to cheer. Our lives are like marathon. Finishing the course of life given to each one of us and standing before the Lord, all of us are supposed to be complimented by the Lord.

1. Forefathers of faith who finished running before us
Hebrews chapter 11 writes the stories of forefathers of faith who went to heaven after living their entire lives for the glory of God. Many predecessors of faith who went to heaven before us are cheering us. In addition, innumerable intercessors are praying for us to run a good race of faith. Therefore, with all might, we must move forward with faith.

2. The Obstacles of the race
In the race, marathon runners get dressed as simply as possible. Likewise, even in the race of faith, we need to eliminate the things that hinder us. ‘Everything that hinders’ refers to wrong relationship with God and ‘the sin that so easily entangles’ means sins we commit habitually or wrong habits. If you want to run the race of faith well, you should take off all the aspects of your old self.

3. Attitude of the race
Just as marathon runners finish the long course with patience, we must finish our race of faith with patience and perseverance. Whatever trials approach you, you should not give up halfway. If we run the race of faith with patience, we will receive what God promised to us. Also we will be led to hope through perseverance. If you endure various trials and tribulations well, you will receive ‘the crown of life’ the Lord has promised to you (James 1:12).

4. Our goal, Jesus Christ
Just as athletes run toward the finish line, we should also run, fixing our eyes on Jesus Christ, the only goal of our lives. We should live for the glory of God, which is the purpose of our creation. We should live our lives to serve God, to fix our eyes only on Jesus, to take after Jesus, and to bear witness to Jesus. Then the victory will be ours.

Looking only at Jesus, we should finish our races of faith with patience and faithfulness. I bless you and pray that you will receive the crown of victory, which is more glorious than any other gold medal in the world, after completing your race of faith.