Do Likewise
(Luke 10:30-37)

The essence of the Christian life is love. This is because God is love (1 John 4:8). However, our human love remains a very self-centered and selfish one. Therefore we Christians must practice true love.

1. The man who fell into the hands of robbers (Luke 10:30)
As a certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, he was attacked by robbers, who deprived him of all he had, beat him, and left him half dead. This person represents human beings away from God. We humans committed sins and became depraved. Meeting the robber of the devil, we are deprived of all we had and get sick, destined to die (John 10:10). Away from God, human life is but despair. Overwhelmed by sins, sickness, poverty, and curse, we cannot but live in despair. Everyone is destined to be born, live, and die in sins. Only Jesus Christ can solve the problem of sins.

2. A true neighbor (Luke 10:31-32)
Then a priest and a Levite happened to pass by the robbed man. When they saw the man, they passed by on the other side. In order not to break the law stipulating that they should not touch a dead body in order to offer sacrifices in the temple, they passed by although they saw a dying neighbor. Forgetting love which is the essence of the law and possessed with religious ceremonies, they left the dying man and went away. Faith without practicing love is a fake one. No matter how passionate you are about worship, offering, and church service, you are just a formalistic believer unless you practice true love toward God and neighbors.

3. The expression of love (Luke 10:33-37)
The priest and the Levite passed by but a Samaritan who was traveling there, took good care of the robbed man. In those days due to their impurity of races and religions, Jews treated them as if they were less than human. However, even though he was a Samaritan, he took pity on a Jew and took care of him, spending his time and money. This is a true love. There should not be any discrimination in practicing love to those who are alienated and hurt. Rather we should love the poor, bare, sick, and hungry even more. You are a hypocrite if you claim that you love invisible God but do not love visible brothers. We should live a life to practice love. The Lord says, 'Go and do likewise.'

God loves us. He saved us by sending His only begotten Son into the world. Since God loved us like this, it is natural that we should love each other (1 John 4:9-11). I bless you and pray that you would become ‘little Jesus’, who practices love to suffering neighbors around us like as the Good Samaritan did.