The Suffering of the Righteous
(Job 1:18-22)

Living in the world, we sometimes meet unexpected sufferings. Due to various problems of health, family, and jobs, we feel like giving up our lives. According to the Bible, even Job who served God well had such hardships. However through suffering, he had the benefit of having bigger faith.

1. The suffering the righteous go through
God recognized Job as "blameless and upright, fearing God and shunning evil". But in his life, sudden hardships came. In one day, he faced an extreme situation where he lost all his 10 children and possession and was afflicted with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. His wife told him to curse God and die. Friends told him to repent of sins. Like this, suffering come to the righteous as well. However when we have suffering, we should not look at the problem but to the Lord who walks on the storm of affliction. When we fix our eyes on Jesus who overcame the world, we can have peace in our heart.

2. The attitude towards suffering
Going through all these hardships, Job did not grumble or complain. When we suffer, we should overcome them with positive attitude rather than grumbling or complaining. When we go through hardships, we should first look forward to blessings which come after them. This is because our faith grows through suffering. Also we should look into ourselves. And if we have any trespasses and faults, repent of sins before God. Through suffering our disobedience and pride are broken and we become blameless before God.

3. The usefulness of suffering
Going through the suffering well, Job was blessed twice as much as he had been before. If we go through suffering well with the attitude of positive faith, suffering will become rather good for us. This is because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope (Romans 5:3-4). Through tribulation, impurities are removed from our faith and our faith grows even more. Also through suffering we learn to depend on God more and glorify Him in all circumstances.

Are you now on the path of suffering? No matter what situation you are in, do not grumble nor complain. Look forward to the blessings coming after suffering. And looking into yourself, regard this as an opportunity to repent of sins. Then the path of suffering will turn into that of blessing.