The Miracle of Thanksgiving
(Acts 16:25-32)

Living in the world, we sometimes meet the inky night of suffering. In situations where we are hard pressed on every side but unable to find signs of resolution, however hard we try, what should we do?

1. Pray in suffering
While the apostle Paul was preaching the gospel, he was wrongfully detained, beaten, and trapped in prison. However, he did not forget to pray there. The best thing we can do when we have suffering is to pray. Prayer provides us with sufficient power to beat all the hardships. Faced with the diagnosis of death, King Hezekiah did not shrink back but turned his face toward the wall and prayed. Consequently, his life was extended by 15 years. When Jonah prayed from inside fish, he returned to life and was able to fulfill God-given mission. Pray in times of trouble. God will give you amazing miracles.

2. Give praise and thanks to God in suffering
In times of trouble the apostle Paul offered thanks and praise to God with prayer. When Paul's companions sang hymns to God, suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose. Thanksgivings and praise unto God become the power to make all chains loose. Are you suffering, hooked up to affliction? Offer to God abundant thanksgiving and praise in times of trouble. Then a miracle will come to us, where the prison of despair will be shaken, the doors of problem will open, and the bonds of wickedness which have bound us will be loosed.

3. Preach the gospel in suffering
Even in times of trouble, the apostle Paul preached without ceasing. The jailer woke up, and when he saw the prison doors open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself because he thought the prisoners had escaped. Then Paul stopped him from committing suicide and preached the gospel of salvation to him. Paul did not miss the opportunity to preach the gospel even in prison. No suffering can stop us from spreading the gospel. Preaching the gospel is the Great Commission of the Lord and the purpose of the existence of church. Preach the gospel in times of trouble. God will provide us with an amazing miracle to save dying souls through us.

Are you now trapped in the prison of suffering? Do not kneel in front of hardships. You should rather proceed before God and kneel in prayer. Give thanks and praises to God, expecting He will carry out an amazing work for you. Furthermore, preach the gospel. Then God will make all our chains loose and do amazing miracles for us.